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A collection of independently-developed creative nonfiction.


"Before the age of universally identical chain bookstores, the original Borders bent towards the sun of Ann Arbor’ cultural specificity. Stocking books designed to appeal to a city of overeager young adult-adjacents and thoroughly hippie townies, the Borders brothers created a global franchise off the shoulders of a wholly local enterprise."

Nathan Bomey /

"48 years ago, the vision for the Crystal City Underground Shops was one of a utopia marked by efficiency, innovation and the halfhearted assumption that people would almost always prefer to just stay inside. A sanitized haven for government offices and chandeliered condominiums, the Crystal City neighborhood’s relative charmlessness lent itself to the allure of this new 'turn-of-the-century shopping village.'"


Arya Hodjat /  Washingtonian Magazine

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